
How Challenging Times Create Stronger Relationships

Starting in 2020, the past couple of years have been a challenge to say the least. But even so, Belbana changed as fast as new regulations came and went. Just like it was sometimes confusing whether it was masks-on or masks-off, the fruit sector often found itself confronted with new developments, sometimes a little too fast.

Yet, this created an unexpected result: our relationship with our suppliers and clients became stronger. So how did this develop? In a nutshell, as a family run and owned business, one of our core pillars is our values. And while a lot of corporations let financial gains decide their path, at Belbana we’re still proud to stand by our long-lasting relationships. As of recent, we are further investing in our relationships, helping the development of communities and aiding in the creation of new markets. Whatever the challenges we may face, we are the direct link with Latin American growers that will provide you with a stable supply of fruit, whether it’s masks-on or masks-off.

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